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RCCSD Homepage Slideshow

Red Creek CSD Front School Sign
Capital Improvement Project Information


Your Voice Matters: Help Shape Red Creek's Budget Priorities 

As we plan for the upcoming budget cycle, your feedback is essential. This survey will help us understand the community's priorities and assist us in allocating our resources where they matter most. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.  

Take the Survey


Making Education Better

The Red Creek Central School District believes in a sound education for every student it serves.

That belief is in line with our mission statement: To create a safe and supportive learning environment for all of our students, in order to prepare them with the fundamental skills and knowledge to successfully and responsibly contribute to society. 


Red Creek serves nearly 800 students through M.W. Cuyler Elementary School, Red Creek Middle School and Red Creek High School. The district encompasses the hamlets of Martville and Victory, and the villages of Red Creek and Fair Haven.


Home of the Rams! Red Creek CSD offers several modified, junior varsity and varsity sports for students including boys and girls basketball, track and field, soccer, baseball, softball, bowling, wrestling, golf and cheerleading. Click on the link below for more information.

Health & Safety

The physical and emotional safety of our students is critical to providing a best-in-class education. Click on the link below to learn about our building safety features, our vast team of School Resource Officers, our anonymous tip line for students, and more. Learn about our advanced cleaning and public health protocols to keep our staff and students healthy.

Community Center

The Red Creek Central School District has a lot to offer, including a state-of-the-art community center. It is complete with a fitness room, jogging track, full-size gymnasium, swimming pool, sauna, steam room and spa, racquetball court and meeting room. For more information click the link below. 

District Calendar

What's happening at RCCSD? You can "subscribe" to the calendars that matter to you and have them automatically update your personal calendar when we add or change events. Have children in multiple schools? No problem! 

Employment Opportunities

Join the Red Creek Central School District Team and help make education better! The combination of our outstanding beginning teacher support, fantastic benefits, small class size, and our close proximity to Lake Ontario makes RCCSD a great place to work!

What's Happening

Happening Now #RAMSPROUD