Dignity for All Students Act
In accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act (effective July 1, 2012) the Red Creek Board of Education recognizes that a safe and supportive learning environment is essential for promoting student attendance and academic achievement. Incidents of discrimination and harassment, including but not limited to bullying, taunting, and intimidation, can interfere with a student’s ability to learn and the district’s ability to educate its students. Therefore, the district is committed to creating an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment and will promote civility throughout the school to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with that goal.
The district prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment of students by school employees or other students on school property, at school-sponsored activities and school sponsored events that take place off school property. The district prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
Students who fail to act in a respectful, dignified, and civil manner toward others while on school property or at a school sponsored function, may be subject to formal disciplinary action, including a referral, detention, in-school suspension, short term out-of-school suspension or long term out-of-school suspension.
The district will investigate and document every reported incident of discrimination and harassment on school property or at school sponsored events. Incidents may be reported to a building administrator or Dignity Act Coordinator by students, parents, school employees or concerned community members. A reporting form will be available in the main office of each building, as well as on the district website. The building administrator will interview alleged victims, witnesses, and other relevant individuals. Disciplinary consequences will be assigned as appropriate according to the District Code of Conduct.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students have the right to take part in all district activities on an equal basis, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
Students have the right to be protected from intimidation, harassment or discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender, by school employees or other students.
Related Links
- NYS Education Department Dignity Act
- Cyberbullying Research
- Stop Bullying Now
- Bucket Fillers Website
- Bullying Statistics
- 18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now
- Dignity for All Students Act- A Guide for Parents YouTube Video
- Bullying and Conflict – What’s the Difference? | PACERTalks About Bullying YouTube Video
- PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center Webpage