Students Participate in the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Poster Contest
March 21st, 2023 - On Thursday, February 16th, 2023, the Spanish students at Red Creek High School participated in a poster contest sponsored by Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, chapter El Quetzal (National Spanish Honor Society), and The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. The theme for this year’s poster was “Nuevos horizontes para la cultura y la comunicación””, “New Horizons for Culture and Communication”.
More than 40 students participated in the contest and the pieces of art they created were exceptional. The Red Creek students showed their creativity and artistic skill. Many of the students who participated are not currently enrolled in art courses, but they still showed amazing ability. The faculty and students at Red Creek were very impressed by the artwork and had many compliments for the students.
The Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica at Red Creek is very grateful for the support of the faculty who voted. The District Arts Committee at Red Creek generously donated cash prizes to the winners, and we are very grateful for the continued support they give the students.
The winners were: 1st place: Rose Southwick (9th grader, hand drawn), 2nd place: Kailyn Mayville (10th grader, hand drawn), and 3rd place: Gwenna Haas (11th grader, hand drawn). Honorable mention in the hand drawn category was Talia Maurizio (Senior). In the digital category, honorable mention was Ethan Hanford (11th grader).
All posters done by student members of Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica who placed can send their poster on to participate at the next level of competition in the poster contest and hopefully move on to the national poster contest. The students in the digital category who will be sending their posters to the next stage of the contest are Ethan Hanford (junior), Liam Smith (10th grader), and David Southwick (senior). In the hand drawn category, Gwenna Haas (junior), Talia Maurizio (senior) and Kailyn Mayville (10th grader) will be submitting their posters.
Winning posters will be used to promote the continuing education of students in Spanish and Portuguese by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and may be used on their website and in their publications. We wish the participants the best of luck at the next level of the competition.
- Red Creek HS